Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am starting off my fashion source book by explaining what a fashion source book can be.  A fashion source book is a place to post the newest news in fashion, to keep a record of your own trend research if you have your own blog or to find out about the newest trends and resources. My favorite fashion source book/fashion blog is It is written by this fantastic girl Susie from London. I met her when I did a workshop run by Arts of Fashion in San Francisco. She started it simply because she loved fashion but now she was become a mini celebrity of sorts in the fashion world and lectures on cutting edge trends. I have posted a picture of her from her visit to SF along with the garment that I collaborated on during the workshop. We had 4 days to knit a garment under the direction of knitting goddess Sandra Backlund. It was an amazing experience. The workshops can be a bit pricey but are definitely worth it. 

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