Friday, February 6, 2009

Designers and Textiles

Christain Dior

I have recently become a fan of Dior. I always loved the classic image on the new look on the edge of Central Park but after doing some research into jackets from the 40s and 50s I have a new found love for his silhouettes and use of fabrics. "Zemire", pictured here is one of Dior's most important designs. It is named after an opera by Gretry.  The original version in grey silk satin was shown to Princess Margaret in 1954 but this piece was comissioned by a private client, the wife of a British textile manufacturer. 

Zemire evening ensemble
Christian Dior 
1954-5 Autumn/Winter
Cellulose acetate, with the skirt lined with layers of silk and net
Worn by: Lady Agota Sekers

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